Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Back 2 School Outreach

We have a great opportunity to help our community next week by providing needy children with supplies for school. It is our purpose and part of our church mission to influence our community to be better, think better about themselves and change their perception of God, Jesus and the church! What greater way to do this than giving things away FREE?
Yes many people are now looking for hand outs in our world because of the economy. However, it is not our purpose to try and decide who is really in need and deserves it, rather, it is our desire to give and let God bless through our hands for all to receive. God will make sure that what we do will prosper and be blessed. It is not our job or burden to worry about! We just need to be obedient and Wow! what Jesus can do with obedience from us! He gives that sense of accomplishment and in the midst of obeying He always shows us He is in control doesn't He?
We only have 1 more week to get these supplies in and on Sunday after church let's get together and sort them out in bags and get ready for a wonderful outpouring of love for our community and kids!
Watch God's multiplication factor happen as we do all we can to love!!!

***We will have hot dogs, chips and drinks for all the kid and families and then also provide jumpers and music! Flyers will go out this week and next with Monica to the schools so we will have a built-in advertising campaign!


I have finally started a blog for my church. I have always wanted a blog to help teach and preach to those not in service or just to keep in touch, but today another pastor friend e mailed me to show me how easy it was and here I am!
Look for more to come now that i am on and I will start with Bible Study Fusion groups this week!